Category: Crois Brigte
Disclaimer & Anti Bullying Statement
Anti Bullying Statement THE SCA PROHIBITS HARASSMENT & BULLYING OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.…
Forms (Below are Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of the forms for download) Photography Release and Related Forms SCA model release form SCA photography grant of…
SCA hierarchy: Society for Creative Anachronism Kingdom of Atlantia Barony of Sacred Stone Canton of Crois Brigte Crois Brigte Members Websites: Medieval Arts and Sciences Research of Lady Annora Hall CogWorks – A collection of articles, photos, and leather working LadyeWorks Illumination ~ Eleanor of Grey’s scroll work and line…
Hail and welcome to all Newcomers from Lady Rois M’Aedan, Chatelaine for the Canton of Crois Brigte. As the "Chatelaine" I am here to help you get started on this journey into the enchanted world that is the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you have any questions contact me I…
Disclaimer & Anti Bullying Statement
Anti Bullying Statement THE SCA PROHIBITS HARASSMENT & BULLYING OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.…
Forms (Below are Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of the forms for download) Photography Release and Related Forms SCA model release form SCA photography grant of…
SCA hierarchy: Society for Creative Anachronism Kingdom of Atlantia Barony of Sacred Stone Canton of Crois Brigte Crois Brigte Members Websites: Medieval Arts and Sciences Research of Lady Annora Hall CogWorks – A collection of articles, photos, and leather working LadyeWorks Illumination ~ Eleanor of Grey’s scroll work and line…

Hail and welcome to all Newcomers from Lady Rois M’Aedan, Chatelaine for the Canton of Crois Brigte. As the "Chatelaine" I am here to help you get started on this journey into the enchanted world that is the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you have any questions contact me I…